Arrr! The pirate fleet is now complete--at least the 1850 point tournament standard is. The miniatures themselves were done a month and a half ago when the Razorwing Jetfighter (upper left on base) was finished. However, serious tournament goers are now expected to arrive with a suitably themed diorama-like movement tray and I finished mine yesterday (and spent today taking pictures of it). I learned this lesson the hard way when I showed up to the Baltimore Grand Tournament in 2008 with my Eldar army on well-used cookie sheet. I won second in "appearance" and I believe the absence of this unwritten requirement (I took them off the cookie sheet for judging :-) may have lost me a couple of points. I created a better display base for the Eldar in July 2009 for future tournaments (see blog posts at this time) but it was fairly plain and more function than form.
The design for this display base is intended to highlight the nautical theme I emphasized in the way I modified the stock models. The flying bases on the vehicles have specific spots in the water and their flying bases have had the same wave effect modeled. The rocky outcrop was made from 2" thick polystyrene foam cut with a hot wire (aka "wonder cutter") and the wave effects were added with Woodland Scenics (tm) Foam Putty. This foam putty is the same material I used to make the snow effects on the bases of my Eldar (also seen in July 2009 blog post) but laid on much thicker. With the right amount of water, this material gains the consistency of thick whipped cream and dries like Spackle. I simply spooned it onto the base and then used the same spoon to shape small white-caps.