Saturday, February 9, 2013

Blood Bowl Orks

Blood Bowl Orcs

I finally got around to finishing some Blood Bowl miniatures. First up, are the Orks (or Orcs, I can never remember if they spell it differently in fantasy-land). I actually started painting these on vacation (on a cruise!) and finished them at home. 3 Goblins, 1 Thrower, 3 Blitzers, 8 Linemen, and 4 Black-Orc Blockers. I had fun with the checks. I was afraid it was going overboard, but I think they need the lighter colors.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Skylanders Repaint 5 (Hot Head and Hot Dog)

The fire models were not painted that bad but lacked good color transitions and the glowing magma in the cracks.  I also added shading on the face and repainted the eyes.

Skylander Repaint 4 (Sonic Boom S2)

Sonic Boom was not the worst of the factory paint jobs but I really liked the play of this character and felt inspired. The factory paint job on my model was actually not as good as the one shown and had no shading on the wings.

Skylanders Repaint 3 (Voodood)

Voodood's savage orc character reminded me of my Warhammer Fantasy army and this inspired me to improve his paint job. 

Skylander Repaint 2 (Sunburn)

Sunburn had the worst of the factory paint jobs, IMO.  Total repaint based on the artwork. 

Skylanders Repaint 1

Chop Chop's paint job was far from his artwork and had to be redone.  This is the only Skylander I used NMM painting on instead of simply shading the metal.  Both sword and armor got the NMM.