Golden Demon 2010 entry number two is now complete. I finished the movement tray for the squad two nights ago. Although the rules claim that the display base does not get judged, they recommend you have one to ease model transportation. Therefore, I created a modest base that ensured good spacing between the models. Another significant addition to this squad was the addition of Karandras' helmet to the base. My original vision for this model was to show Karandras without his helm. I liked that his tall top-knot-like pony tail could fit rather comfortably inside the tall helmet. However, this aspect would be lost on those not already familiar with the original sculpt of the model. Therefore, I painted and added the helmet to the base to show that he has temporarily taken it off. Below are pictures of the whole squad and then Karandras alone.

"Modest Base". Cute. I think you did a great job! It's making me want to go back and touch up a lot of old miniatures of my own!