Short background story: I think the howling banshees squad in my army is one of the nicest. However, they see little play time because there is little room in my list once the obligatory harlequins, 10-strong wraithguard, farseer, and heavies are included. There is a Indy Tournament at the end of the month that is being held at the Battle Bunker and I've decided to sacrifice my normal recipe for a softer but more spectacular-looking composition that will have the full compliment of my banshees. Furthermore, I've recently finished the banshee's Phoenix Lord model, Jain Zar, to make sure they gain the centerpiece status they deserve. Below are views of the finished model. I went all out on the NNM and you may notice hits of OSL scattered about.
Hey! I just noticed the Hard-Liners logo in the bottom left corner. Can I get a plain copy of the image to tag my photos?