Recent tournaments and painting competitions have indicated a strong judging preference for detail work and weathering. Unfortunately, rusty/dirty Eldar is not my style but I will give the detail work a try. The below image is a picture of my new jet bike and a modified old one. Although I've already grafiti'd the entire [old] jet bike squad, I'm toying with the idea of adding the same touch to the rest of the army. The swirl/swoop work on the tan bike is a bit sloppy, but I refined by technique on the new [blue] one.

In this picture, you can also see how badly I painted the rider on the old versions. Three big differences with the new paint job: 1) I painted the rider before placing on the bike, 2) my blending has gotten a lot better, 3) I was not rushing to put together the core of a fledgling army and took my time.
I love the way they turned out!