Saturday, November 26, 2011
Ork Trukk
This kit is one of the coolest kits I've assembled/painted from Games Workshop. The amount of options and accessories was great! The only downside what that it took hours just to get the thing assembled and if I had to make another one, I would definitely put it together in a different order.
It was fun to paint, but I'm just about finished with yellow. It's just so much more work to deal with (and then it just gets covered up with weathering and fake scratches).
Ork Grots
I couldn't resist painting these guys, even though they are tactically ... dubious. But 40 points for an 11-man troops choice to sit on an objective, but also an easy kill-point.
Fun to paint though!
I did 2 different techniques (half got one treatment, half the other)
1 - Highlighting the "peaks" of the flesh
2 - Highlighting the outline of muscles
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Games Day Captain
This was a limited edition Space Marine Captain from Games Day a few years ago.
I painted several Blood Angels a couple months ago, but I didn't want to spam the blog with a dozen posts. I lost track of time, and now I've finished painting Blood Angels (for now) and moved on to Orks.
Anyway, this poor guy has been demoted to Sergeant, for now.
A bit messy with the washes, but I was more concerned with the face this time.
I painted several Blood Angels a couple months ago, but I didn't want to spam the blog with a dozen posts. I lost track of time, and now I've finished painting Blood Angels (for now) and moved on to Orks.
Anyway, this poor guy has been demoted to Sergeant, for now.
A bit messy with the washes, but I was more concerned with the face this time.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Venom skiff

Kalabite Trueborn mod

Saturday, May 14, 2011
Distracted by another chess piece

Dark Eldar Reaver Jet Bikes

These new Dark Eldar Jet Bike models are gorgeous. The detail of the sculpt and the manner in which they are assembled is amazing. Unlike the Raider (tank) that had to be painted in seven different parts, I could completely assemble the bike and the rider before painting them. This makes it easier to coordinate shadow and shine direction across the entirety of the model and prevents wasted time spent painting parts that eventually get covered during assembly.
Although the non-metallic metal paint technique I used on the blades and engine nozzle were the most complicated parts of the model, I'd have to say that hard-lining all of the edges is what made them so time-consuming to paint. There are joints, ridges, and sharp pointy bits all over the bike and rider that required lots of attention.
The whole Dark Eldar line shares the ultra-edginess and its not uncommon to see nice-looking models painted with attention given to only the edges. The model is spray painted a dark color like dark blue or black and then all the edges are painted with a very bright or white color; nothing else. If the lines are straight and even in thickness, they will look great on table. I just love to add fades so the hard-line-only option was not going to work for me, but even the GW staff painters have been recently and frequently using this style.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Dark Eldar Corsair Warriors

The above image shows the first 7 of 10 Dark Eldar Warriors in my pirate army. Once again, I believe that GW did a great job redoing the Warrior models for the Dark Eldar in this release, but they just don't have that special look I'm going for. Consequently, I've combined the bodies from the Fantasy Dark Elf Corsair models with the arm parts from the 40k Dark Eldar Warriors to create a Renaissance-Sci-Fi look. I think they fit together quite well.
The colors are very similar to the wyches from previous posts and I'm happy that these, too, did not come out dark. There is no doubt that I've committed to that cartoon style with the high-contrast purple hair. I wouldn't be surprised if many were not fans of the green and purple, but I'm going to stay true to my theme. With all the units beside each other, the scheme is very attention getting and I like it.
I need to finish the last three from this squad and then I'll probably give my first Reaver Jet Bike squad a go.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Hard-Liners Dice
Well the dice are in. Sorry for the mediocre picture, the lighting availible at night is never sufficent to get a great picture. I think they turned out great!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Christmas Dwarf Pilot from Scibor
I picked this up and painted it for Jen as a Christmas present. It's a resin model from Scibor. It took a bit of work to get the model together. The door had a lot of extra resin, and the top of the ornament did not have the nice loop you see there, I had to add that. On the back, I free-handed the date. I wanted to do more freehand, but I ran out of time. I can't wait to paint the Easter Dwarf I also picked up....
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Eldar Pirate Wyches

Some quick notes on the models themselves. First of all, I think the costumes on these Warmachine models perfectly match the pirate theme I am looking for in my army much better than the skin tight leather look by GW. Warmachine is very steam-punk-ish so I guess its natural that my renaissance-pirates-in-the-future was a good fit. The models come armed with razor flails; which are one of the DE wyches actual weapons. Unfortunately, they are not available to the whole squad so I'll play them as though none of them has one. Nevertheless, it provides the right look. Removing the horns and then resculpting the hair was not as bad as I was anticipating. If you look close, you would see that the original sculpt has been changed, but its not obvious from a normal viewing distance.
This squad took about 3 weeks to paint. I was hoping to take a finished DE army to this years NOVA Open in September. I'm worried that I won't get it done in time. I still have one more squad of wyches, one squad of warriors, 12 reaver jet bikes, 10 elite warriors (I'm going to use modified Eldar scouts), 5 more skimmer tanks, and 2 venoms (if they get released in time). The math does not look good. Maybe I'll find a technique that speeds up the tank-painting time.
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