The above image shows the first 7 of 10 Dark Eldar Warriors in my pirate army. Once again, I believe that GW did a great job redoing the Warrior models for the Dark Eldar in this release, but they just don't have that special look I'm going for. Consequently, I've combined the bodies from the Fantasy Dark Elf Corsair models with the arm parts from the 40k Dark Eldar Warriors to create a Renaissance-Sci-Fi look. I think they fit together quite well.
The colors are very similar to the wyches from previous posts and I'm happy that these, too, did not come out dark. There is no doubt that I've committed to that cartoon style with the high-contrast purple hair. I wouldn't be surprised if many were not fans of the green and purple, but I'm going to stay true to my theme. With all the units beside each other, the scheme is very attention getting and I like it.
I need to finish the last three from this squad and then I'll probably give my first Reaver Jet Bike squad a go.
I love the way the mixed parts turned out, you can't even tell they are from different lines they work together so perfectly.
ReplyDeleteThere is such a contrast from the front to the back of the models, you should take another photo from an angle that gets more of the armor in with the cloaks (or maybe repose a few of the warriors).
The bases look much better, but I think you can still get a more beach like appearance. The color is good, and the debris is awesome. I think the sand is just too coarse, so to scale it looks more like rocks than sand. Do you have finer material to use? Maybe run the sand in a food processor/coffee grinder?
actually, that's how I intended to make my Trueborn for my force.