Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dark Eldar Wych Hekatrix

I just finished the squad leader for my first unit of wyches. If you don't remember seeing this model advertised in White Dwarf, there is good reason. I have decided to model my wych squads with miniatures from the Warmachine line. Although GW did a much better job on their DE models this go around, I think their wych models look a little too butch. They intended the male/female heads/torsos to be interchangeable with the arms and legs and it does not work well. The arms and legs are very masculine and doesn't look good with the female bits. I found the above character model and a pair of squads under the Cryx line of Warmachine. One small problem is that they came with horns growing out of their heads, however, they are much more pirate-y. The above character has had the horns removed and a bicorn pirate hat sculpted over the holes. I have also added a pistol from the DE line to her left hand. Since the squad members won't be getting hats, I will have to cut off the horns and re sculpt the forehead and hair.
In the past, I was very hesitant to add non-GW parts to my army because the options were not pretty and GW would not allow them in their tournaments. The flood of new and talented companies to the market and the fact that GW no longer sponsors tournaments has removed those concerns.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely hate the GW wyches. They look like androgenous, bondaged, body-builders. Plus the poses look very bad. Way too exagerated and unnatural.

    The hat turned out great on this model! I really like the colors too. I think the wyches will look good since they (should) have more skin exposed, the models should be lighter like this one. I think I like these colors with a lighter feel.
