Friday, April 9, 2010

OSL Fire Prism

Golden Demon Entry One will be the OSL (Object Source Lighting) Fire Prism I've been imagining for two years. I'll be using the Fire Prism I assembled but never painted for last year's 'Ard Boyz tournament. My goal is to make it look like the turret crystal is glowing brightly and illuminating that side of the tank. I plan to use extreme contrast for this model but in the same color scheme as my other Fire Prism. Although my imagination is pretty good, I decided to simulate the actual illumination that might occur by using a small, batter powered light in the position of the crystal. Below are the pics that resulted from that experiment. The picture below that is my old Fire Prism (for reference).
More to follow...

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't even noticed you had been posting. I really like the look you are going for, will look really neat. We are finally moved and unpacked in the new house and I should have the painting table back up in the next few days.
