Sunday, August 9, 2009

Bishop Chess Piece

On the heels of 'Ard Boyz and the Necro, I have decided to take a bit of time off from playing and just focus on painting. To that end, I've returned to my Confrontation Chess Set project. Beginning nearly 9 years ago, I had decided to paint a chess set using various minatures from the Confrontation minatures line. The "white" side would be composeded of on-foot knights for pawns, mounted knights for knights, wizards for bishops, and minotaurs for castles. The "black" side would use sketons for pawns, skeleton centaurs for knights, winged wraiths for bishops, and werewolves for castles. The pic below is my most recent addition and the first bishop model. This model was a refreshing change from the scifi models I have been painting for the past two year as there were no armor plates and not a single 'hardline' to be made. I also welcomed the chance to practice my OSL skills again using the candle on the top of the stack of books. I think it turned out pretty good with a couple of areas for improvement. The red looks a bit dull to me and the off-white sash is not white enough. Bishop number two is on the paiting stick now and I'll try to correct the oversights with this one.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done. Can't wait to see then whole set.
